7:00 Wake-up bells Get up, shower and dress in uniform.
7:45 Breakfast Held in school dining hall, with a good choice of food from the breakfast buffet.
8:30 House meeting Notices and announcements. Roll call taken.
8:45 Chapel Hymns, prayers, and a short address from the school chaplain. Usually compulsory, although some schools allow exemptions if requested.
9:00 Lessons begin Three lessons, each lasting 40 minutes (eg mathematics, English, geography).
11:00 Break Go to your house and have a drink and a snack, eg juice and a piece of fruit or a biscuit.
11:20 Lessons Two lessons(eg double science).
12:40 Lunch Lunch in dining hall-many hot dishes (including vegetarian options), salad, baked potatoes, cold meats and fish, and dessert, Usually very lively with a buzz of conversation and discussion about the afternoon’s activities.
13:15 Activities There are so many to choose from-orchestra practice, private music lesson, play rehearsal, clubs, extra English lessons from international students, etc.
14:00 Lessons Two 40-minutes lessons(eg Frensh and history).
15:20 Tea Tea or juice and a cake or a sandwich.
15:30 House Change into sports kit.
15:45 Sport Winter term-football, hockey, rugby, netball, squash, badminton, etc. Spring and summer terms-cricket, tennis, swimming, athletics, etc.
17:30 House Wash or shower, change clothes, Roll call taken.
18:00 Supper Taken in dining hall(a selection of hot and cold dishes, including many healthy-eating options, plus fruit and desserts).
18:30 Clubs/activities Debating, science society, choir, modern languages society.
19:30 Prep in houses Homework, supervised by house parents or prefects.
20:00 Prep break
20:10 Prep continues
21:00 Free time After another roll call, it’s time to relax! You can chat with your friends, watch TV, play table tennis, snooker, etc.
22:00 Bedtime Time to go to your room and get ready for bed.
22:30 Lights out Go to sleep-it’s another busy day tomorrow!
7:00 起床鈴 起床、淋浴和穿校服。
7:45 早餐 在學校的食堂用餐,在自助吧臺前自選。
8:30 早會 宣布通知和公告,隨后點名。
8:45 禮拜 唱詩,禱告,學校的牧師做簡短致辭。盡管很多學校允許特殊情況不出席,但通常這個環(huán)節(jié)是硬性規(guī)定的。
9:00 開始上課 共三節(jié)課,一節(jié)課40分鐘(如:數(shù)學,英語,地理)。
11:00 休息 回到宿舍休息或者喝點飲料吃點零食(如:果汁,一份水果或者一些餅干)。
11:20 上課 兩節(jié)課(如:兩節(jié)化學課)。
12:40 午餐 在學校的食堂用餐 – 提供有許多熱菜(包括了素食),沙拉,烤土豆,冷盤肉和魚,以及甜品。通常大家會很熱情的討論下午的活動。
13:15 活動時間 有很多選擇 – 管弦練習,私人音樂課,排演,社團活動,針對國際生的英語加強課,等等。
14:00 上課 兩節(jié)四十分鐘的課(如:法語和歷史)。
15:45 運動 冬季學期 – 足球,曲棍球,橄欖球,網球,壁球,羽毛球等等。春夏季學期 – 板球,網球,游泳,田徑運動等等。
15:20 下午茶 茶或果汁,蛋糕或三明治。
15:30 回宿舍 換運動服。
17:30 回宿舍 清洗或淋浴,換衣服。點名。
18:00 晚餐 在學校食堂用餐(可選擇熱菜或冷菜,包括許多健康的食譜選擇,外加水果和甜品)。
18:30 社團/活動 辯論團,科學社,合唱隊,現(xiàn)代語言學社。
19:30 回宿舍完成作業(yè) 在宿舍監(jiān)管老師或學長的監(jiān)管下完成家庭作業(yè)。
20:00 休息
20:10 繼續(xù)完成作業(yè)
21:00 自由時間 點完名后,就是放松的自由時間。你可以和朋友聊天,看電視,玩乒乓球,玩桌球等等。
22:00 上床時間 回到自己的宿舍并整理床鋪。
22:30 熄燈 準備入睡 – 明天又會是忙綠的一天!
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