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2018/3/19 9:31:14 標(biāo)簽:  來源:美嘉留學(xué)
導(dǎo)讀: 哥倫比亞大學(xué)MFA MFA in Creative Producing是所有學(xué)習(xí)電影專業(yè)的學(xué)生的夢想就讀的學(xué)校和專業(yè)。今天美國留學(xué)中介美嘉教育的老師和大家來分享下面試準(zhǔn)備的第一階段。 在線咨詢

哥倫比亞大學(xué)MFA MFA in Creative Producing是所有學(xué)習(xí)電影專業(yè)的學(xué)生的夢想就讀的學(xué)校和專業(yè)。今天美國留學(xué)中介美嘉教育的老師和大家來分享下面試準(zhǔn)備的階段。

Course of Study: MFA in Creative Producing

The first-year courses include workshops in producing, directing, screenwriting, and directing the actor. Studio classes are comprised of a maximum of 12 students and the emphasis is on hands-on, process-oriented creative work.

The first semester culminates in a 3–5-minute film which each student writes and directs.

The culminating project of the first year is an 8–12-minute film. Each student directs a film from their own screenplay or one written by another student in their class. Additionally, every student must act as producer on a film other than the one he or she directs. Several courses in the first-year curriculum help to generate and prepare these scripts for filming in the summer of the first year.

A critique of all the finished films begins the second year of study. In the second-year curriculum, students immerse themselves in courses whose primary focus is the producing of feature films, with the concurrent study of television and new media. They may also take courses in screenwriting and television writing, sample courses open to cross-registration at the Columbia Business School ,courses in other programs of the School of the Arts and throughout the University as electives. Every student must take at least one course in film history/theory/criticism (HTC) prior to graduation.

The required 60 credits of coursework must be completed in the first two years. In the third or thesis year, students must work on the production of at least three films, one of which is their thesis. Each student is required to be the sole producer of his or her thesis film. Students are also required to complete an internship working for a production or distribution company.

Students in the thesis period are no longer taking courses for credit, but they meet regularly with their advisors for intense developmental work on their thesis ideas, take thesis preparation classes, and may take elective master classes with guest filmmakers. Topics regularly offered in master classes include contract law for producers, advanced post-production for producers, feature budgeting, and scheduling. Shorter master classes are offered by a range of internationally recognized filmmakers.

Students leave the School with a portfolio of produced films, and in many cases a feature film project they have developed that is ready to be produced. Our graduates are highly employable, and enjoy a reputation as the most versatile and cutting edge of the current crop of young producers, cementing our reputation as one of the most comprehensive producing programs of any film school in the world.


Do you know we have two MFA’s in our school  Why do you chose the creative producing one

How do you plan your there years study with CU 課程設(shè)置參考內(nèi)容,3年課程大學(xué)有很清晰的步驟,你結(jié)合這些步驟,談下自己的想法

The first-year courses include workshops{工作坊} in producing, directing, screenwriting, and directing the actor. Studio classes are comprised of a maximum of 12 students and the emphasis is on hands-on, process-oriented creative work.

The first semester culminates in a 3–5-minute film which each student writes and directs.

The culminating project of the first year is an 8–12-minute film. Each student directs a film from their own screenplay or one written by another student in their class. Additionally, every student must act as producer on a film other than the one he or she directs. Several courses in the first-year curriculum help to generate and prepare these scripts for filming in the summer of the first year.

A critique of all the finished films begins the second year of study. In the second-year curriculum, students immerse themselves in courses whose primary focus is the producing of feature films, with the concurrent study of television and new media. They may also take courses in screenwriting and television writing, sample courses open to cross-registration at the Columbia Business School ,courses in other programs of the School of the Arts and throughout the University as electives. Every student must take at least one course in film history/theory/criticism (HTC) prior to graduation.

What attracts you to apply MFA in CU  看下下面的課程特色,可以跨系在商學(xué)院及藝術(shù)學(xué)院選修課程,除了純的電影制作外,提供更多資源及可能性;第三年的時(shí)候必須有實(shí)習(xí),這個(gè)也非常吸引我

They may also take courses in screenwriting and television writing, sample courses open to cross-registration at the Columbia Business School ,courses in other programs of the School of the Arts and throughout the University as electives. Every student must take at least one course in film history/theory/criticism (HTC) prior to graduation.

Students are also required to complete an internship working for a production or distribution company.

Do you also apply other university and programs


Tell me what you learnt from your undergraduate program

Do you have extra information which would like to share for your portfolio

How do you judge China’s current film industry

What’s your career goal  Give me specific position if you have.

What you intend to do out of the university

What can you offer to CU if you’d been admitted

What do you like to do besides study

Other things you wish to share with us which not stated on your resume.


How can I benefit from the summer program   Are there any graduate student who has been admitted to the program attending the summer program

2、How many graduate student you admitted each year, in total

3、Among all admitted students, how many of them come from mainland China  What other countries that the students come from


一些需要注意的事情:1. The whole point of an interview is basically for you learn more about the school and for the school to make sure you are not socially inept. Just be yourself, act natural, and you'll do fine. It has little bearing on your admission decision.

Try not to say that your favorite thing to do in your free time is sleep. I would probably say that, as it's true, but come up with something… going to the gym, hanging out with friends, reading romance novels… anything sounds better than sleep!

Could you describe an incident where you disagreed with a superior  How was this settled。


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王儷 咨詢部經(jīng)理[詳細(xì)] 向她提問

高亞 規(guī)劃部經(jīng)理[詳細(xì)] 向她提問

李紅娟 大客戶經(jīng)理[詳細(xì)] 向她提問



專家人均  千人案例


監(jiān)護(hù)升學(xué)  貼心服務(wù)


追求質(zhì)量  服務(wù)也是產(chǎn)品


科技插翅膀  隨時(shí)查進(jìn)度


名校申請  高端文書

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