加拿大洛基山學(xué)院(College of the Rockies)成立于1975年,是一所擁有學(xué)位授予權(quán)的高等院校,位于加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省(BC)的東部洛基山風(fēng)景區(qū)。洛基山學(xué)院有3000多名加拿大學(xué)生和300多名國際學(xué)生,實行小班教學(xué)。
2013 年4月,www.i-graduate.com [TheInternational Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate)] 公布了其針對 15個,188所高等院校的國際學(xué)生的調(diào)查,此次調(diào)查25所學(xué)校來自加拿大,調(diào)查項目涵蓋:學(xué)習(xí),生活,學(xué)校支持,入學(xué)后的相關(guān)服務(wù)與感受:在加拿大的25所院校中,洛基山學(xué)院的總體平均分排名第1 (包含生活,支持,入學(xué)后的相關(guān)服務(wù)與感受);洛基山學(xué)院的單項排名[教師]第1 (Good Teachers, 教師);在15個188所院校中, 洛基山學(xué)院的總體平均分排名第2
學(xué)院處在舉世聞名的戶外休閑活動圣地,風(fēng)光綺麗,全年可進(jìn)行獨特的戶外活動。洛基山學(xué)院的主校區(qū)在BC 省的克蘭布魯克市(Cranbrook), 一個生活成本低、安全、非常友好、生活方式輕松的現(xiàn)代化城市,克蘭布魯克機場每天都有來自溫哥華(80分鐘)和卡爾加里(40分鐘)的航班。
洛基山學(xué)院由不列顛哥倫比亞省政府資助,監(jiān)管和認(rèn)可。作為該省公立學(xué)院/大學(xué)學(xué)分轉(zhuǎn)移系統(tǒng)的成員(http://www.bccat.bc.ca),洛基山學(xué)院的大學(xué)課程與省內(nèi)所有公立大學(xué)相同,學(xué)生可以很容易地轉(zhuǎn)入這些大學(xué),包括不列顛哥倫比亞大學(xué)(UBC), 西門菲莎大學(xué)(SFU)和維多利亞大學(xué)(UVic).洛基山學(xué)院還同加拿大的其他大學(xué)以及澳大利亞的大學(xué)簽有學(xué)分轉(zhuǎn)移協(xié)議。
中國教育部公布了為其認(rèn)可的全部加拿大大學(xué)和學(xué)院的名單,Collegeof the Rockies 為中國教育部認(rèn)可的高等學(xué)府。中國學(xué)生如果畢業(yè)后希望回國發(fā)展,則College of the Rockies的學(xué)歷可以得到中國教育部的認(rèn)證。
加拿大駐華大使館先后公布了新的簽證政策,學(xué)生合作計劃(SPP)StudentPartners Program 和學(xué)習(xí)直入計劃(SDS) Study Direct Stream, 具備雅思5.5的學(xué)生可以采用學(xué)生合作計劃,具備雅思6分的學(xué)生可以采用學(xué)習(xí)直入計劃,這是目前赴加拿大留學(xué)為廣泛采用的好的簽證渠道,目前的簽證率幾乎為百分百。希望中國各地的莘莘學(xué)子可以充分利用以上的新簽證政策,可以順利獲得來加拿大學(xué)習(xí)的通行證。我們誠摯地歡迎中國學(xué)生選擇就讀洛基山學(xué)院,為您的未來的職業(yè)發(fā)展建立堅實的基礎(chǔ)!
A message from the President
On behalf of all of us at the College ofthe Rockies -- welcome! The College is committed to continuing to improvepost-secondary access in the East Kootenay. Our main campus is located inCranbrook, BC with regional campuses at Creston, Fernie, Golden, Invermere andKimberley. College of the Rockies is an exciting and vibrant institution dedicatedto the advancement of student learning and success through excellence andquality instruction. The College has been in existence since 1975 and we havecontinued to grow as a result of putting our students first and providingquality programming. We will continue to ensure that high qualitypost-secondary education in the East Kootenay is accessible and affordable.
The College offers a comprehensive mix ofvocational, trades, career technical and academic programs and services. It hasbuilt strong international and local partnerships and provides programming toadults at a distance through over 200 online courses.
We are located in one of the premierrecreation areas in the world where you can take advantage of a wide variety ofworld class recreational outdoor activities. We welcome students from aroundthe world to join us for a high quality affordable educational experience.
I invite you to browse our website and,hopefully, to visit us in person one day. If you would like further informationplease contact Admissions andRegistration.
I am very proud of our College and lookforward to our continued growth and program expansion.
David Walls
President and CEO
To communicate with the President’s Office,please contact:
Sue Bodnaruk, Executive Assistant to thePresident
e-mail: bodnaruk@cotr.bc.ca
phone: (250) 489-8203
fax: (250) 489-8253
President’s Office
College of the Rockies
Box 8500
2700 College Way
Cranbrook BC V1C 5L7
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