1牛津大學University of Oxford
2劍橋大學University of Cambridge
3倫敦政治經(jīng)濟學院The London School of Economics and Political Science
4倫敦大學學院University College London
5華威大學The University of Warwick
6??巳卮髮WThe University of Exeter
7杜倫大學Durham University
8圣安德魯斯大學University of St Andrews
9諾丁漢大學The University of Nottingham
10伯明翰大學University of Birmingham
11布里斯托大學University of Bristol
12巴斯大學University of Bath
13東英吉利大學University of East Anglia
14格拉斯哥大學University of Glasgow
15阿斯頓大學Aston University
16肯特大學University of Kent
17埃塞克斯大學University of Essex
18薩里大學University of Surrey
19南安普頓大學University of Southampton
20萊斯特大學University of Leicester
21愛丁堡大學The University of Edinburgh
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