在美國,開設(shè) MSF的學校并不是很多,排名前50的大學里有金融專業(yè)的不過10所左右。總的來說學校選擇余地很小,因此為擴大選擇范圍,經(jīng)常會搭配申請一些MBA in Finance的學校,兩者是殊途同歸的。依照歷年的錄取經(jīng)驗,前50的MSF基本要求托福達到100分以上,GMAT 700分以上,GPA至少3.0,例如:
在近幾年的留學申請的熱潮中,會計仍然是熱門的申請專業(yè)之一。在美國,開設(shè)會計專業(yè)的學校多于開設(shè)金融、營銷等其它商科專業(yè)的學校,US NEWS綜合排名前100的大學當中有一半以上的學校提供該碩士教育,100-200的學校也是如此,這在一定程度上分散了競爭,為申請帶來積極的促進作用,但也意味著選校難度的增加,盲目、片面的選校很可能會導致申請失敗。
此外還要注意一些特殊要求(會計前置課程要求等),對于專業(yè)排名靠后一些的學校,由于申請人數(shù)眾多,競爭也非常激烈。除語言成績之外,各所學校會進一步了解學生以往學術(shù)成績及職業(yè)記錄,本科學業(yè)中參加過的實習和工作,推薦信,申請陳述,以及申請者關(guān)于申報本專業(yè)的動機,進行整體實力的評估。由于申請絕大部分學校MSA都有會計前置課程的要求:Micro or Macroeconomics、Financial Accounting、Managerial Accounting、Intermediate Accounting I & II、Statistics等。因此本科非會計專業(yè)或非商科專業(yè)的學生,基本不符申請資格。真正對本科背景無要求的MSA學校少之又少。因此本科非專業(yè)會計的學生,一般會建議申請MBA下的會計分支。
1 Princeton 普林斯頓大學
Statement of Academic Purpose (Required)
Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional, and personal experiences that motivate you to apply for a graduate degree here. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English.
We will not be accepting revised statements of academic purpose. Please be sure to review your document before uploading and submitting your electronic application.
Additional Information (Optional)
Please use this page for any additional information that has not been captured in the other parts of your application. If you feel you have already provided us with sufficient information about yourself, you need not add anything here.
2 MIT 麻省理工
We are interested in learning more about you and how you work, think, and act. The mission of the Master of Finance Program at MIT Sloan is to create the next generation of principled, global financial leaders with state-of-the-art training in modern finance theories and methods. Our program attracts the best and brightest students who go on to advance financial management practice and improve the world. · Please discuss past academic and professional experiences and accomplishments that will help you succeed in the MFin Program. Include achievements in finance, math, statistics and computer science as applicable. · Describe your short and long-term professional goals. How will our MFin degree help you achieve these goals? · Share personal qualities that will enable you to contribute to the advancement of our mission. Relevant, verifiable details such as awards, rankings, media references, etc., are requested. Responses should be written in essay format (750 words or fewer)。
3 BC 波士頓學院
Career Goals
Please briefly identify your short and long term career goals where indicated below: *(required)
Short term career goals: Characters left in your response 250
Long term career goals: Characters left in your response 250
Essay 1
Please discuss how you plan to achieve your short and long term career goals. What challenges will you face and how will you leverage your academic and professional experiences to achieve these goals? (500 words)
Essay 2
Please indicate your reasons for applying to the Carroll School of Management. What unique characteristics of the Boston College MSF program resonate with you both personally and professionally? (500 words)
Optional Essay (select one)
1.Please introduce yourself to the BC community. Feel free to be creative in expressing your message. (500 words) 2. Is there any aspect of your candidacy that you would like to explain in more detail? (500 words
4 Maryland 馬里蘭大學
MS applicants are required to submit the essay below. Application essays allow the admissions committee to get to know you better both professionally and personally. Additionally, the essays are used to assess writing skills, which are critical in the program.
What are your specific post-graduate short-term and long-term goals? How will an MS degree from the Robert H. Smith School of Business assist you in achieving your goals? Finally, please discuss your personal and professional motivations for pursuing an MS degree.
Please limit your response to 2 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font.
Optional Essay
Please use this essay to provide the admissions committee with additional information that will assist us in evaluating your candidacy (for example, an explanation for gaps in employment history or an undergraduate degree grade point average that is less than 3.0)。
If you are a re-applicant, you can also use this essay to highlight changes in your application from last year.
5 UT-Austin 德州大學奧斯汀分校
Statement of Purpose Personal Essay (Required)
How have your personal, academic and professional experiences led you to pursue the MSF degree at this time? Please discuss both your short- and long-term career goals, including your vision of your post-graduation employment, and describe how the Texas MSF will help you meet those goals.
Optional Essays (200-word maximum)
Complete one or both of these only if you feel your application does not give the admissions committee a complete and accurate picture of
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